
Let's Celebrate: A kindergarten success story

by Dana Philips

The final days of the school year were a whirlwind of events - from programs to award banquets and graduations. However, for one of our students, her kindergarten graduation was more than a milestone. It was a testament to her resilience, a journey to a place many would not have imagined just a few months earlier. 


This little one arrived at the Children's Home with a bag of clothes and a heart full of hidden trauma. Trauma can stem from countless situations, and many children struggle to identify or cope with these issues. 


Many children who come to NMBCH face trauma in one form or another. They also often fall behind in their education. These reasons are rarely simple, but the results are the same--they lag behind their peers and must work hard to catch up. 


For our kindergardner, these unseen hurdles hindered her ablility to progress in her learning. She struggled to pay attention in class, exhibited inappropriate behavior, and lagged in benchmarks, knowing only a handful of letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. Initially, it seemed unlikely she would be ready to move to first grade, and it was quickly determined that she needed to be held back to better prepare for the transition.


But an incredible team worked together to achieve what seemed impossible. Her teacher, therapists, social workers, and houseparents devised a personlized plan to help her learn, feel comfortable in class, and know whom to turn to for help. They patiently worked with her one-on-one. There was no quick, cookie-cutter fix, but through their combined efforts, they watched her steadily improve. 


In May, we celebrated as she proudly walked across the stage to receive her kindergarten diploma. She earned it! Though she may continue to need additional help as she moves to first grade, she will go forward with a firm foundation. She is not alone; many children face seemingly insurmountable challenges and feel hopeless. But at the New Mexico Baptist Children's Home, we offer hope and help. We strive to meet the needs of the children in our care--whatever they may be. 


None of this would be possible without the support of our incredible community. Our supporters are making a profound difference in the lives of children like our kindergartner, providing the resources and encouragement needed for them to overcome their obstacles. Your generosity and dedication are the foundation upon which these success stories are built. Thank you for being a part of their journey and continuing to make a lasting impact. 

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Marie A Dickerman (Saturday, 15 June 2024 17:34)

    God Bless you all for the work you do for these sweet children. I will help in any way I can.
    Love you all for the dedication you have.

  • #2

    Joletha (Tuesday, 25 June 2024 12:01)

    Loved working with that beautiful little girl! So proud of how far she has come! Love her endlessly!