Welcome to the Family: Emily Crook

Emily was raised as an MK (missionary’s kid) overseas in Central Asia; her parents were missionaries with the IMB. She became a PK (pastor’s kid) when her family moved back to the United States and her dad became the pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Roswell, NM.


Emily moved to Portales in the fall of 2021 to attend college at ENMU. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with an emphasis in archaeology this past May. She was actively involved with the Christian Challenge at ENMU, First Baptist Portales, the Celebrate Recovery ministry, and Foundations of Faith.

She hopes to continue her studies and pursue a master’s degree in biblical archaeology.


I am super excited about all the work I will get to be a part of here at the Children’s Home and I cannot wait to see what God has in store! I was not expecting to enter a desk job once I graduated college, but I can see that God worked everything out for me to be where I needed to be. I am excited to get to know the kids here and show them the love of God. I am also excited to get to know the partners of the Home and hear their stories. Overall, I am so ready for whatever God wants me to do here and cannot wait to get involved!

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  • #1

    Lora Harlan (Wednesday, 10 July 2024 08:19)

    Welcome Emily,
    I see God using all your life experiences to enhance your position at the Children’s Home. You will continue the welcoming presence to all who walk through our doors.
    Blessings -